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CasselWolf  [developer] 20 Mar, 2020 @ 4:05am
Ratropolis early access Roadmap
During early access, we will fill in the deficiencies of the game.
Here are some of the update roadmap we are planning to:


1. Add Nightmare Mode (Infinite Mode) - Done

2. Add Shaman leader & cards - Done

3. Add Coastal Maps and Coastal Enemies - Done

4. Add Navigator leaders & cards. - Done

5. Add more elite enemies and bosses. - Done

6. Strengthening the characteristics of leaders - Done

7. Reorganization of advisers - Done

8. Strengthening regional characteristics(Map) - Done!

Other updates such as convenience improvements, UX improvements, and localizing will be available between the major updates, so look forward to seeing them!
Last edited by CasselWolf; 29 Nov, 2020 @ 8:45pm