Anime Artist

Anime Artist

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kukukachu 8 Jul, 2023 @ 5:17am
I'm really liking this game, but not the sequels.
I feel like you had something with the original, but then you lost sight of that thing. Options and freedom are key here. I liked that I was able to take my pencil and only apply it to some places on the map. I would then color in the areas that were penciled in and then go back with the pencil once more and creat some really cool looking designs. If you gave me freedom to play around with adding and taking away effects and having different sized tools to work with, I believe this game would be a hit. Like I said, I think you were closer to success on the first game you put out than the others.

Like I was having so much fun taking away some of the clothing, while other parts were still there and other parts were still in pencil. It might be a more in depth game for you to make something like this, but you've already shown to me that you can, you just have to do it now.
Last edited by kukukachu; 8 Jul, 2023 @ 5:21am