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Struggling In Act 2
I recently reached act 2 and I'm having adjusting to the altered style of the game with items, totems missing and Squirrels being part of my main deck. Act 2 as a whole has killed my enthusiasm as I enjoyed the horror aspect of act one.
EDIT: I beat the game
Last edited by Painted Pig; 19 Oct @ 4:58pm
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14 Oct @ 9:47am 
Act 2 is Skill Based & Actual Deckbuilding
You have to work on improving your deck as best as you can over time, luck is hugely involved in cards you start with, unfortunately though it's a huge change in the direction of the game, Act 3 is much easier than Act 2, so something to look forward to

You can have a mix of the various cards altogether, from bones, blood, energy & if you're really bold magic, magic overall is the hardest to adapt to as it focuses on Mox's as most cards requirements to work, don't forget to buy card packs from the shops of your choice with foils you earn for overkill damage as well as there are some free packs & puzzle boxes to earn packs for free as well as you progress, just find what works for you & you'll eventually beat it

Note: Unfortunately any death/custom cards & progress you have made when choosing Act 1 tutorial or 2nd option skipping gated progress, none of these are saved & you are purely starting over from a clean slate which includes the reset of the secret card Ouroboros

After You Beat The Game
  • Restarting Any Act: You can press ESC govern the icon in the top left corner, then choosing any of the Acts to play from, the first option is the Tutorial Section of Act 1, you'll more than likely want to choose the second option as it skips the tutorial & puts you right after all gated progression losses so you can focus purely on the game itself of course you'd still have to do any of the puzzles or secrets available yourself still, all of the other options you'd know after having beaten the game

  • Kaycee's Mod: You unlock a free update mod called Kaycee's Mod, it adds more synergies, new cards, sigils & items in the scenario of Act 1, it plays out as a more challenging mode

    My Favorite Person on Steam, Just Don't Tell Anyone

    Good Luck & Have Fun :smiling:
I feel the same. Really enjoyed Act 1 and was surprised to not really vibe with Act 2. I actually redownloaded the game today planning to replay the first section but it only gives me the option to start in Act 2. No thanks.
Originally posted by yallfather:
I feel the same. Really enjoyed Act 1 and was surprised to not really vibe with Act 2. I actually redownloaded the game today planning to replay the first section but it only gives me the option to start in Act 2. No thanks.
Hello, if you want to restart to chapter one you should be able to display the chapter selector hidden at this point of the game with Shift+A+S in the main menu. Be careful this will spoil you if you don't hide your screen outside of the very left (and it will reset your save)
One soft spoil that could encourage you to go through act 2 if you want what's next is more horror themed somehow similar to act 1. To me that's well worth it

There is also Kacee's mod you could like if you liked act 1, you can unlock it too by a shortcut but it can also be a reason for you to complete act 2
Last edited by Kylnoffey; 14 Oct @ 2:03pm
I would have refunded the game if i had known act 2 was going to be shoved down my throat.
bliznots 19 Oct @ 3:01pm 
Originally posted by Zekyr Zero:
I would have refunded the game if i had known act 2 was going to be shoved down my throat.
Shoved down your throat : Also known as "the game"
ezveri 19 Oct @ 7:39pm 
act 2 is so incredibly short and easy, relax and just play for an hour
I mean, I miss the cabin, but that's an intentional gameplay decision. Act 2 is supposed to feel a step-down from Act 1, and Act 3 is supposed to feel like a poor attempt at Act 1. It's intentional. Act 2 lets you retry battles infinitely without a catch. Don't fret over a loss, switch up your deck a bit for consistency's sake and resume or bang your head against the wall (Yes I read the Edit).

The best deck in Act 2 is a hybrid Sacrificial/Bone deck, literally the Act 1 deck:
Sacrificial cards are consistent although too many high cost cards is detrimental to the deck.
Bone cards are the best! High attack, disposable (fuels itself), and synergies perfectly w/ sacrificial.
Runes are cool but they're pretty bad, since the damage is poor and HP is almost nil.
Energy is an untapped resource and pretty good, has the highest atk in Act 2.
Try going into files and deleting act 2, Act 2 has no real use other than to lengthen the game some more and to save budget.
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