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vincent 6 Dec, 2024 @ 12:25pm
Crockery and other food storage decorations not working properly. Bug or limit?
So I'm trying to build a cafeteria on the Cerulean Steppe. I haven't completed the castle yet (King's bedroom throne room combo) because I wanted to make the some of the other spaces first. I attempted to make a dining table with multiple settings (multiple pieces of crockery so I could store food and have the npcs go to multiple locations instead of trying to all fight over one spot) however I was not allowed to place food in each of the place settings.

In fact, it gave me a warning at one point. Do I somehow have too many chests/place settings in the game or is it a bug? If I have too many place settings on the IoA how many am I allowed to have so that I might resolve the situation?
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lilisaur 12 Dec, 2024 @ 7:57pm 
It gave you an on-screen warning when you placed the last one you could use: it says something like "Any more items of the type will be unusuable". In some cases you simply can't place anymore, and in some cases you can, but the item is ina state that we call "overlimited": they work to complete room recipes, but can't be interacted with. In your use, this is a problem because you want those to be filled with food, but in other people's eyes overlimiting is a neat trick to allow rooms that count as a certain room (like a Dining Room) without allowing the NPCs to store food or eat there. It can also be used for items in general to just not let NPCs interact with them: items that are decorative and non-functional, like a Wardrobe in a room that doesn't count as a storage device.

See Aura's Limit Guide for more details on the limits for each item type.
Last edited by lilisaur; 14 Dec, 2024 @ 5:42pm
vincent 13 Dec, 2024 @ 12:37pm 
Thank you for the information!
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