Peaky Blinders: Mastermind

Peaky Blinders: Mastermind

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FvJ 20 Mar, 2021 @ 10:46am
Changing the language of the game is possible, but only with Linux!!!
Hello everybody,

According to the number of messages asking how to change the language used by the game, I can see that I'm not the only one who do not like to always play games in my own native tongue (which is french, btw), especially when it's about a TV show that I entirely saw in English...

I was very furious against the devs and did try every workaround/trick possible in Windows, but the only way to do it is really switching the whole OS to english (which I didn't want to do either)!

As in such cases, I don't like to take no for an answer, I rebooted my box to go in Linux and installed the game there with Proton, added a simple language parameter, and I'm pleased to say that it worked perfectly!

Now, after around 50 hours, I finished the game with gold medals, perfect runs and all collectibles in english, as I wished to do it from the day I bought it (last summer) :steamhappy:

So, if you already have a Linux box ready, but never played a Windows-only game on it, just follow this guide here:

When you're done and Peaky Blinders: Mastermind is installed, you just have to add this line to the game launcher:

LANG=en_US %command%

If you don't know how to do it, just follow this guide:

Et voilà, the game will run in english, whatever your native language is ;-)

But beware that the peoples that made and sold this game added insult to injury: at first, they force you to play it with your OS language, but then they also force you to use a WASD (meaning mostly english) keyboard!!! Really nice when you are using a french AZERTY, thanks a lot!

So, if you are not using a controller and even with Linux, you will still need to add a second english keyboard layout to your native one, and not forget to switch to it before starting the game...

So for those of you that are frustrated by this unsolvable issue on Windows, never tried Linux and have a bit of disk space available (a typical install is 5 to 10 Go + the space needed for the games) or even a small old (but working) HDD laying around (with this game, a SSD will not bring anything to it), that could be a great occasion to do it.

I would recommend starting with Ubuntu if you have no previous experience and of course, to make a whole image of your Windows partition before, in case something goes wrong (better safe than sorry). Clonezilla is a great free tool for that, if you are not using another one already...

There are enough guides for creating a live USB stick, testing Linux and then installing it to your PC on the Web, I will just add a link concerning the installation of Steam:

If you have previous experience with Linux and want to have cutting-edge softwares and still be stable enough (especially if you don't mind reading some release/updating notes before upgrading), I highly recommend Manjaro, which I'm using for gaming.

Whichever you choose, I can only recommend that, as with any OS, you set up a backup on an external drive and for Linux, Timeshift is a great and free tool.

I hope this will help some of you to finally enjoy this game like I did, even it was a big disappointment at first.

And while it was not bad/funny enough to play (even if a bit too short), I don't think I will ever buy something again from those peoples, after this language/keyboard hassle they put us all through...
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Showing 1-5 of 5 comments
Cerberus 10 Jan, 2023 @ 5:58pm 
Thx for sharing.
Worked with LANG=de_DE on SteamDeck without Problems.
FvJ 11 Jan, 2023 @ 12:02pm 
Originally posted by Cerberus:
Thx for sharing.
Worked with LANG=de_DE on SteamDeck without Problems.
You're welcome! Nice to hear this post was helpful to someone, especially now that SteamDeck is making gaming on Linux even more popular...
Have fun with the game!
pretty cool, thanks for the detailled info!
FvJ 14 Apr, 2023 @ 1:25pm 
Originally posted by Klesk 🌈 Нептун 🇺🇦:
pretty cool, thanks for the detailled info!
You're welcome, I'm very happy if this post could help somebody else!
Have fun with the game too!
Alyenax 25 Apr, 2023 @ 4:25am 
Don't work with LANG=fr_FR %command% with steam deck :(
< >
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Date Posted: 20 Mar, 2021 @ 10:46am
Posts: 5